education Digital Currency Training : Learn Content Lists – You can only get rich by having valuable assets. These days, when the financial markets are very prosperous and the economic situation of the world is not going well, many …

privacy currencies

Introduction to privacy currencies, privacy-based cryptocurrencies

With a Privacy Coin or Cryptocurrency you can do completely anonymous transactions; This is not possible with Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will first explain the privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies and then introduce you to the 4 Privacy Coins on the market. What is a Privacy Coin? Contrary to...

Technical analysis training

Technical analysis training ; Patterns – Section 7

Technical analysis training Patterns : Patterns are one of the most important basic topics in learning technical analysis that arise from irregular price movements on the chart.

Golden Intersection and Death Intersection

What is the Golden Cross and Death in the Bitcoin Price Chart and How Do We Recognize It?

The intersection of Golden Cross and Death is the passage of short-term and long-term moving averages over each other in the Bitcoin price chart, which indicate a downtrend or uptrend in the long run. Recognizing the mean of short-term and long-term volatility (MAs) when used in trading systems is important...


Technical analysis training; Confirmation of trends with trading volume – Section 6

Confirmation of trend with trading volume: As mentioned in the third part of the technical analysis training, trading volume actually shows the amount of buying and selling in the market of a digital currency for a certain period of time. The trading volume is displayed at the bottom of...


How is the value of the Ethereum determined?

Ethereum value : As an investment in Blockchain projects, how do we know we made a good deal? How do we understand the value of a platform and how do we compare it to other platforms? In a blog post, Sir John Hargrave, a prominent Blockchain investor and author...

Chart Scale and Trading Volume

Technical analysis training; Chart Scale and Trading Volume – Part 3

Technical analysis training; Chart Scale and Trading Volume - Part 3: Price charts include the horizontal time axis and the vertical price axis. The price history shown in these charts is raw and unchanged. The scale used in line charts is linear by default. To better understand the linearity of...