Dodge Coin crashes after Elon Musk tweet: If the big Dodge Coin owners sell their property, I will be a full supporter!
Dodge Coin crashes after Elon Musk tweet: If the big Dodge Coin owners sell their property, I will be a full supporter!
Dodge Coin prices fell 23 percent after Elon Musk’s recent tweet about Dodge Coin’s wealthy accounts.
According to the Kevin Telegraph, Elon Musk, the richest man in the world and CEO of Tesla, tweeted last night, pointing to the unbalanced distribution of Dodge Coin among investors, saying that the major holders of this digital currency should sell their currencies.
Dodge Coin’s distribution among investors is strangely heterogeneous; An account holds about 28.7% of the available Dodge coins. About 50% of the Dodge Coin supply is only available at 12 addresses. Mask wrote in this tweet:
If the major owners of Dodge Coin sell most of their currencies, I declare my full support for this currency. I think there is a lot of focus [on Dodge Coin] and that is the only serious problem.
Shortly after the tweet, the Dodge Coin fell 23 percent from $ 0.063 to $ 0.048. Mask had previously raised and lowered the price of digital currencies with his tweets; However, his role in today’s fall is not very plausible; Because at the same time, the market value of digital currencies fell by about $ 105 billion, and this was not unique to Dodge Coin.
Over the past few hours, many digital currencies on the market, especially Altcoins, have experienced about 20 percent correction. Analysts believe that bitcoin has reached a new historical high in the past few hours, which has led to a decrease in the trading volume of the coin market.
It is very difficult to accurately estimate the distribution of digital currencies among different people; Because on the Chinese block, the records of transactions and accounts are registered under pseudonyms. However, data from various sources indicate that almost 70% of the Dodge Coin supply is available at only 100 addresses.
Dodge Coin co-founder Billy Marcus recently said in an interview that he sold his Dodge Coin in 2015, when he was struggling financially. He started working on this digital currency in 2013.
Elon musk talk about the Dodge Coin axis has been more of a joke. He once called himself the former CEO of Dodge Coin. Most of his speeches have been in the form of internet jokes, and it cannot be said that there is an investment strategy behind his speeches.
Dodge Coin crashes after Elon Musk tweet: If the big Dodge Coin owners sell their property, I will be a full supporter!
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